Volunteer Form

Apply to be a Volunteer.

Fill out the form below and we will get back to you as soon as we can.

Does your spouse (if applicable) agree with your desire to join CCS?

Are you ordained?

Are you in agreement with the CCS Statement of Faith (listed below)?

Are you willing to take CCS training?

I have read the Statement of Faith, and hereby apply for service for the Lord with Community Chaplain Service as an Associate Chaplain.

Values We Affirm

We affirm the following as the groundwork of our faith and mission:

A belief in God as the source of all life, wholeness, and love

That God is revealed most succinctly in the person and work of the historic Jesus of Nazareth as written in the Scriptures

That in His life, Jesus reveals God in grace, mercy, forgiveness and justice

That in His death, Jesus reveals God’s determined presence in the world even in the face of hatred, violence and pain

That in His resurrection, Jesus reveals God calling us to abundant life both now and forever, life beyond our fearful and fragile imaginations

That God lives among us, within us, and through us, by the power of the Holy Spirit

That God encourages us to be together in communities of faith, hope, and love

It is our desire and mission to love the seniors we serve with authenticity, as Jesus did, treating all as creations made in God’s very image, regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, age, physical or mental ability, nationality, or economic class.

It is our desire and mission to express our faith in such a way that promotes unity through diversity, inclusivity, and the pursuit of the common good rooted and grounded in Christian love.





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